Let’s be frank about this: A review and a dialogue

Talking about religion let alone Islam is a contentious issue, has been ever since 9/11 and will be in the years to come. When I began to read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s account of her life in her novel Infidel, I didn’t realize the depth of the islamophobia and political upheaval I would be exposed to. I thought I would be reading an account of a life turned upside down by civil war but this memoir is more than that, it’s a look at the failure of various political systems and the wayward beliefs of religious crusaders that brought us to this point in history.   
The novel follows Ayaan’s journey as a young Somalian woman ingrained with the beliefs of Islam and her transformation into a refuge turned political activist in Holand. I’m not Muslim and I don’t follow Islam so it would be wrong for me to act as if this book has taught me everything I need to know about Islam. While I won’t make such a large assertion I will say this; Ayaan’s account of Islam dislodged a prominent myth that I’ve perpetuated when discussing religion and particularly Islam; that the text itself does not condone violence and yet that is exactly what Ayaan is saying in her novel. According to her, Islam is written in Arabic and not every Muslim speaks Arabic, the Quran is therefore translated and taught to its followers and this is where the problem lies, the interpretation focuses on peace but the text itself, written in an era where war and oppression were prevalent speaks the opposite. War on unbelievers is encouraged and oppressing women is acceptable. I don’t think that this is true only for Islam, in the Sikh religion the holy book is written in Punjabi and for the generations that cannot read the text it is translated. How do we know that the translation is a correct depiction of the meaning behind the words? We can interpret things however we want but that doesn’t make us right and I think that’s what Ayaan is saying in her novel, some interpretations have become holy word when they’re not and because of this we find ourselves in a very unnecessary holy war.

I don’t want to start a religious debate but I do want to articulate that reading this book as someone who believes in God and prays daily it was interesting to see Ayaan’s arguments for not believing and for becoming atheist. If we believe that everything in life is preordained because there is a God then we live life reactively, we don’t try, we think hey it’s meant to happen and therefore it will. I can see why it would have been so liberating for Ayaan to let go of this mentality, shed her identity as a Muslim woman and decide that walking left, right or going straight hasn’t already been decided but will be decided by her alone. 

When I first picked up this book I remember being asked “have you heard about her?”, “do you know her story?”. I recall looking at the picture on the cover and thinking what did she do? I get it now. She received refugee status in Holland by misrepresenting herself. It’s a horrible thing to do when you think of the fact that someone more deserving might have gotten her spot instead. Honestly though, I don’t care. I read this book and at the end of it I admired her. I admire her wit, her strength, her story, the intelligent way she presents her arguments. Yes, she did lie, but in her circumstances wouldn’t you have done the same?

A remarkable book and a must read. 

Saint Mazie by Jami Attenberg

I thought I would take a break from reviewing books but then I read Saint Mazie and I just had to tell you all about it. Saint Mazie is a seriously wonderful book. 
The story is about a young girl growing up in New York City. She lives a privileged life and you would think that she would enjoy her privilege, marry, have kids and be stereotypically happy but no, Mazie is different. She roams the streets of New York during the Great Depression helping the men, women and children she can. Giving all of the spare change in her pockets, her time and anything else she has to offer. During the day she runs the local movie theatre, sitting in a cage and selling tickets but at night she’s Saint Mazie. The story is beautiful and the characters are beautifully flushed. Mazie has all of the privilege that comes with money but instead of living the life people expect her to live she commits to no man, she cares for her sick sister and she gives selflessly. The story is interwoven with memories of those who remember Mazie and the story that Mazie is telling herself. I can’t say this enough, but it’s so beautiful. A must read!

White Bones by Graham Masterson

I would like to start by saying I don’t write bad reviews. For the most part I always find a reason to like a book which isn’t always easy but I feel it’s cruel to hate on a book that someone worked hard to write. 

When I started White Bones by Graham Masterson I was beyond excited. A London based mystery with a female protagonist. I imagined that much like the Peter Grant series by Ben Aaronovitch I would find something witty, with strong characters and a good grasp of writing. I was disappointed by White Bones right from the beginning. The writing did nothing for me. It more telling then showing and there was no depth. The storyline sounds great and the characters have so much potential but I just could not get past the bad writing.  

Life’s too short for books you don’t enjoy and so I am moving on from this one. 

Have you read this book? What did you think

Prisoner of Tehran my Marina Neemat 

I just finished Prisoner of Tehran by Marina Neemat and I sense a major book hangover in my future. Marina Neemat was a political prisoner at Evan prison in Iran during the Iranian revolution. She was imprisoned for two years for speaking out during her calculus class and asking the revolutionary guard/teacher to teach something other then religion. The story is harrowing in its bravery and honesty but what stood out the most for me was how ordinary my life seemed, how innocuous my decisions, compared to Marina’s life.

The story was beautiful and terrifying. At times it was difficult to understand how one person could be so brave in the midst of so much death but that’s the Westerner in me talking. I haven’t experienced much in the grand scheme of things and so there were definitely moments in the book that I had difficulty relating to. I have to say this book really inspired me to learn more about Iran and Islam. There’s beauty in every religion and culture but sometimes things get skewed by a radical group who think they have all of the answers. I would recommend this book to anyone whose looking to learn something and be inspired. 


Alice Munro

I adore Alice Munro. Her books have gotten me through some tough times in my life, helped me to accept change, move on in a world where you just want to stay and drown in your pools of sorrow. When I saw that CBC had done a tribute in quotes to Alice Munro I knew I had to post it on my blog. Sometimes we need a pick me up and her stories do that for me.  

